Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009: Just say no

Today, for one of the first times ever, I passed on a free beer for the sake of my health and diet. It's not much of a first, but for the first time, I'm focusing on my well-being instead of having a good time.

Okay, to be perfectly truthful, I am planning on a new beer experience next week, so I'm not a total dry health nut.

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009: Free online dating

For much longer than I care to think about, I've been playing around with online dating. To make a long story short, I have never had any success. Perhaps the reason what I was unsuccessful was the fact that I was paying a membership fee to meet guys.

Not anymore! I signed up for a free semi-dating site and so far a few guys show a bit of potential. Sure, most are NOT what I am looking for, but at least I'll be 'out there' instead of doing nothing to change my life.

Eh, the hopes are not very high, but I'm trying.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 28, 2009: P.F. Chang's first

Short and sweet: Coconut Curry Vegetables from P.F. Changs is INCREDIBLE! I've never had their fried tofu before and was not disappointed. And the cherry on top, so to speak: the dish was loaded with peanuts. Yum!

June 27, 2009: Wedding firsts

I attended the wedding of the new Mr. and Mrs. Nick and Julia Vandervest! The wedding was at a Christian community-style church, of which I had never attended a service. It was interesting. The ceremony was less than a half-hour and was very casual. No first or second reading, no recitations, no communion, no candle lighting, none of the usual fussiness. All in all, it was very nice.

The second first for today is, unfortunately, not a great one. I left the wedding reception before the Chicken Dance. Even before I knew that there would such a dance. On the upside, I didn't give into peer pressure to stay at an event when I wasn't feeling incredibly well.

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26, 2009: Albanian cabbage feta cheese salad

For the very first entry of Jennifer's Adventures, we have something that I will call "Albanian cabbage feta cheese salad." The recipe itself is probably not Albanian, but the coworker who passed the recipe onto me is. It calls for a head of cabbage, feta cheese, oil, vinegar and salt. Mix everything together, let stand for a while and then dig in. I haven't tried it yet, but I have high hopes.

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome to Jennifer's Adventures!

So, what's the point of this blog? Here it is: I just turned 32 years old and I'm not getting any younger. By the time I turn 33, I want to have accomplished and or experienced zillions of new things. By zillions, I mean at least 360 new things. At least one a day.

This blog will be a record of all the new things I make myself do each and every day. They may be major adventures: flying to England, ziplining through the canopy of Costa Rica, hiking to the North Pole. They may be small little jots: flying to Grand Rapids, ziplining through the hills of West Virginia, hiking Stony Creek Metropark. They may be very simple: taking a new bike path or wearing a bikini outside the house.

Also, I love to eat, so be sure to expect lots of new food posts.

This page will be extremely photo heavy, so hurray for my camera with the new battery.